Wait, so who are we?
So you are probably wondering what this is all about. Trust me, so was I!
What is this journey we call life? Why does it involve giving someone else my most value asset... my time?
I just knew that my life wasn't meant to be working 9-5, saving really hard to just buy milk. Living week to week - gross.
Anyway, lets get to the basics...
I am a lover, mother and average simplistic living lady.
I got so sick of watching my family, and myself included work full time to only just be able to by that 1 loaf of bread or buy only 2 litres of milk instead of 3.
There was no way in the world I was going to have our children, Daisey and Harvey, have that exact same cycle.
It all started when we realized the first questions everyone asked us was, what do you do? where do you live?
Like excuse me? just so you know, my favourite colour is light blue, and I love Mexican food.
People always jump to the what you have, instead of what you are.
Anyway, we started realizing all of the people we knew were starting to buy blocks of land no bigger than a car park and putting a shoebox house on it, which looked exactly like the one next door. We both thought to ourselves is this really it? is this the way we have to go to be accepted into society.
NOPE! We bought a caravan and a big block of land to go camping on instead... can you guess what our favourite pass time is?
Why do something, that isn't serving you?
Why get into so much debt for something you are planning to get rid of in 5 years time?
That is not succeeding! That is following a conventional lifestyle that worked 30 years ago.
Start being unconventional, and do life differently.